APARTMENT TRENDS Q1-2021 The Apartment Group The market continues to be strong and it appears...
RISING APARTMENT CONSTRUCTION COSTS REMI - Erin Ruddy Multi-residential construction costs are rising in Canada...
APARTMENT RENTS DOWN 6% Canadian Apartment The average rent for all Canadian properties listed on...
ARE INTEREST RATES GOING UP? Bloomberg News - Shelly Hagan and Krik Hertzberg Canadians may...
GTA APARTMENT VACANCY 50 YEAR HIGH REMI Magazine According to the latest Urbanation report looking...
HIGH DEMAND FOR TOWNS DURING COVID REMI Magazine - Canadian Apartment Demand for affordable, ground‐oriented...
RENTS IN CANADA DOWN 8% REMI Magazine - Canadian Apartment New rental data for October...
GTA RENTS GETTING COVID RHB Magazine - Huffington Post With the COVID-19 pandemic shifting where...
FORD GOVERNMENT MORE RENT CONTROLS? CP24 - Chris Fox The Ford government says that it...
COVID AND APARTMENTS NOW Magazine - Richard Trapunski In March, Toronto Public Health put together...